Equalizer (EQZ) ICO Details & Financial Information

Назва ICOEqualizer
Дата початкуКвітень 07, 2021
Дата закінченняКвітень 09, 2021
3 років тому

Equalizer represents the next generation marketplace for flash loans, a dedicated platform that brings together liquidity providers and borrowers.
On one side we incentivize LPs for staking their funds in secure vaults, by receiving more tokens coming from the fees of the flash loans provided. Additionally, the LPs are automatically part of our yield farming program, designed to stimulate long-term liquidity providers.
On the other side, borrowers are provided with a plethora of liquid pools (vaults) that bring more advantages than any other competitor in the market: lower fees, a wider range of tokens, a minimum level of available liquidity, reliability in all market conditions, available on multiple chains.

Self-Reported TagsМаркетплейсDeFiУрожайне землеробствоBinance Chain
IDO Ended
Назва ICOEqualizer
Дата початкуКвітень 07, 2021
Дата закінченняКвітень 09, 2021