Ev SuperRare Grunge ile Yüzleşmek

Grunge ile Yüzleşmek


SuperRare SuperRare
Stok kodu: 227294256 Kategoriler: Ön Satış: Hayır Satış: 0


Da Vinci said that an artist never finishes a piece, they merely abandon it. However in the digital age, we have the opportunity to return. In 2016, Facing Beauty was printed onto perspex and exhibited at Young Blood Gallery. In 2018 I started remixing it by adding rainbow prisms to the background. In 2020 I returned to the original piece and added alternative layers in order to compose a unique gif for SuperRare minting. Now in 2022, I’ve returned to the rainbow remix and have used software to add a grunge element to the piece. I will probably revisit it in the future and so yes 6 years later, this piece still isn’t finished but it is also not yet abandoned.

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