Home Playboy Rabbitars Official Rabbitar #11952

Rabbitar #11952


Ether 1 ETH
Playboy Rabbitars Official Playboy Rabbitars Official
SKU: 87563852 Category: Presale: No Sales: 0


The Playboy Rabbitars are a lagomorphic-themed civilization of 11,953 unique, non-fungible rabbits inspired by Playboy iconography, heritage and lore. In the context of the metaverse, the Rabbitars are NFTs that live on the Ethereum Blockchain as ERC-721 tokens. Each Rabbitar is generated from 175+ traits, including fur, ears, facial expressions, apparel, accessories, occupation-related characteristics and more. At its simplest, you can think of each Rabbitar as a key that unlocks membership to all the possibilities of Playboy on the blockchain: exclusive access to Playboy art and artist collaborations, IRL and metaverse experiences, and physical and virtual fashion. (And yes, you can tell your friends you officially belong to a Playboy Club!). Visit https://playboyrabbitars.com for all the NFT-ea.

UserApproved on chain?Closing onPrice
0x9d7a64811db81f4b34741bbd51bfdd6663e0ce2b 0x9d7a64811db81f4b34741bbd51bfdd6663e0ce2bNoSaturday, April 20th, 2024ETH 1.00 ETH
No traits.