Para CryptoMoms

CryptoMoms is 8,791 randomly generated & unique art pieces carefully chosen by some of the greatest Moms themselves.

From kicking a#! within the metaverse, to lifting the CryptoDads out of spiraling debt from sh#! coins, the moms definitely hold their own.

CryptoMoms will be included in the Gaming & Metaverse utility being developed for CryptoDads & they will also be getting their own unique utility alongside this.

With a potential CryptoDads animated series in the near future, CryptoMoms will be sharing the spotlight with them.

Having a CryptoMom grants you limited creative and commercial rights. Cheers!

– #MomGang


Founders are 100% Doxxed (Interviews everywhere online with Benzinga, etc…)

Founders: @NFTViking & @DegenApeLife

Website 2.0 In Development

**CryptoDads Brand IP owned by CryptoDads LLC**
**Owners have commercial rights to their owned CryptoMom NFT**

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